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Foreman-Farman-Forman genealogy; descendants of William Foreman, who came from London, England, in 1675, and settled near Annapolis, Maryland,

Foreman-Farman-Forman genealogy; descendants of William Foreman, who came from London, England, in 1675, and settled near Annapolis, Maryland,

Regular price $ 29.84 Sale price $ 27.20

Foreman-Farman-Forman genealogy; descendants of William Foreman, who came from London, England, in 1675, and settled near Annapolis, Maryland, supplemented by single lines of the families of the ancestors of the writer's paternal great-grandmother, his own mother and the descendants of Edward Frisbie, an original settler of Branford, Conn.; Elbert eli 1831-1911 Farman; 1911; 264 total pages